Guide to Caching in Rails using Memcache
在 Rails 中使用 Memcache 的方法
安装 Dalli (Memcache Client)
Gemfile 中添加 gem 'dalli'
并执行 bundle install
# Connecting
require 'dalli'
cache ='localhost')
# Basic storage
cache.set 'greet', 'hello'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hello"
cache.set 'greet', 'hello', 5
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hello"
sleep 5
cache.get 'greet' #=> nil
cache.set 'greet1', 'hello'
cache.set 'greet2', 'good morning'
cache.get_multi 'greet1', 'greet2' #=> {"greet1"=>"hello", "greet2"=>"good morning"}
# deleting
cache.delete 'greet1'
cache.delete 'greet2'
cache.get_multi 'greet1', 'greet2' #=> {}
# delete all keys
cache.flush #=> [true]
# Adding data
cache.set 'greet', 'hello'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hello"
cache.set 'greet', 'good morning'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "good morning"
# create the value if the key doesn’t exist:
cache.add 'greet', 'good evening'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "good morning"
cache.add 'greet2', 'good evening' #=> "good evening"
# Replacing data
cache.replace 'greet', 'hi there!'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hi there!"
# it will do nothing if the key doesn’t exist:
cache.replace 'non existing greet', 'hi there!' #=> nil
# Appending and prepending data
cache.set 'greet', 'hello', 0, raw: true
cache.append 'greet', '!'
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hello!"
cache.prepend 'greet', 'hey! '
cache.get 'greet' #=> "hey! hello!"
# Increment and decrement data
cache.set 'counter', 1, 0, raw: true
cache.incr 'counter' #=> 2
cache.incr 'counter', 2 #=> 4
cache.decr 'counter' #=> 3
cache.decr 'counter', 3 #=> 0
当一个值可能被多个客户端更新的时候,可以使用 cas
判断该值是否被其他客户端更新过,如果没有被更新,则像 set
# Check and set
cache.set 'config', 'foo'
cache.cas('config') { 'bar' }
cache.get 'config' #=> "bar"
在 Rails 中配置 Memcache 作为缓存介质
- 设置 perform_caching 参数,在环境变量文件中指定 cache_store 方式。(例如:RAILS_ROOT/config/environments/production.rb)
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, { :namespace => “my_project”, :expires_in =>, :socket_timeout => 3, :compress => true }
Dalli 客户端可接受参数的详细解释可以查看这里
Memcache 内建的命令行无法一次查看全部目前可用的 keys 和它的过期时间。但是这里有一个脚本可以帮忙 Ruby Script to list all memcache keys。
使用 Memcache 来缓存开销较大的运算并且避免重复执行
- 我们把较大的运算结果存入 memcache 并在下次读取。如果下次计算返回相同的结果则我们直接利用缓存内容,否则将新的计算结果放入缓存中。
- Rails 提供几个辅助方法
下面的代码演示了如何传递一个代码块给缓存,如果缓存中未找到该 key 则运行代码块并将返回结果缓存,否则直接返回该 key 的缓存结果。
# File: application_controller.rb
# Always Calculate if caching is disabled
# Calculate the result if key not present and store in Memcache
# Return calculated result from Memcache if key is present
def data_cache(key, time=2.minutes)
return yield if caching_disabled?
output = Rails.cache.fetch(key, {expires_in: time}) do
return output
# Execute the block if any error with Memcache
return yield
def caching_disabled?
helper created in last step in application_controller.rb
# File: posts_controller.rb
respond_to :json
def index
# Create cache to expire after 3 minutes
all_posts_for_a_category = data_cache("#{}", 3.minutes) do
respond_with(posts: all_posts_for_a_category)
# Post#index - Before Filter
def find_category
@category = Category.where(id: params[:category_id]).first
respond_with({message: 'Category Not Found'}, status: 404) if @category.blank?
Auto-Expire after a specified time
Memcache accepts an expiration time 3 option with the key to write and only returns the stored result if key has not expired yet, else returns nothing.
Rails.cache.write(key, value, {expires_in: time})
Rails.cache.fetch(key, {expires_in: time}) { # Block having expensive calculations }
Faking Regex based Expiry
Unfortunately, Memcache does not allow listing of all keys so, apparently, there is no way to partially expire a subset of keys. Memcache only provides a delete method for the specified key restricting us to, beforehand, know the key to delete.
But, there is a nice trick to partially expire a subset of keys Faking Regex Based Cache keys in Rails.
- To achieve it, we have to focus more on keyword subset and defining subset is the Nirvana to crack the problem.
- Introduce a dynamic component in all the keys which we want to treat as subset
- Have a way to control the change of dynamic component
- When dynamic component changes, a new key is created and stored in Memcache which would be referred for data from now.
- The old key still remains in memcache and has still not expired but it stores the stale data and fresh data is hold by new key which we are referring in all of our interactions.
- Memcache would eventually kick the old key with stale data out (uses LRU algorithm to allocate space for new data)
- In the snippet below, we have added dynamic component last_cache_refreshed_at in Category which can be selectively changed to expire cache of particular categories instead of all.
# File: posts_controller.rb
def index
# Update Category#last_cache_refreshed_at anytime to force the block evaulation
# again and storing the new key, hence expiring the last key by effectively not
# refering it for data and consulting new key for fresh data
# Time converted to integer to avoid sanitization hassle
all_posts_for_a_category = data_cache("#{}-#{@category.last_cache_refreshed_at.to_i}", 3.minutes) do
respond_with(posts: all_posts_for_a_category)
How can I force Rails cache to not escape?
I’m writing a string to my memcached using rails (Dalli), and then using node.js (node-memcached) to read the value, and Rails is writing to memcache with these extra prepended stuff. I also checked memcache using command line.
# Writing with rails:
Rails.cache.write("test", 'helloworld')
# Reading from node.js:
// output
What’s happening is that Dalli is calling Marshal.dump('helloworld')
before writing the value to the cache. To avoid this you’ll need to interact with Dalli directly instead of going through Rails.cache
then you can pass the :raw => true
option to make Dalli store the exact value that you pass to it.
dcache =
dcache.set("test", 'helloworld', 0, :raw => true)